Monday, October 3, 2011

Another Animatic

Okay, I know I'm late getting this onto the blog, but this week hasn't been very kind to me in terms of work I needed to do, and After Effects decided to be really fussy on top of everything else. That being said, I still managed to get a new animatic out. However, it's not that different from my old one, so don't feel crazy if you can't spot that many differences.

Oh, I also made everything darker, so hopefully it wont look so washed out on your computer or on a projector.

Animatic 2.0 from Tyler Sandifer on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Good work, Tyler! I wonder if you could add a longer pause at the end before he starts drawing on the sidewalk- so we could see him "thinking" before making the decision?

    It flows really well!
