Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Feeling out the characters/ rough concepts


  1. Oh, I forgot.

    First one is Hero (guy with short white hair)

    Second is Amon (skinny dude in black, thinning hair)

    Last is the dragon.

    I'm not really married to any one of these ideas just yet, but I think I found the general direction I want to head in.

  2. I really like Hero's face in the closeup. Anon is the main character, right? I like his look -- kinda villainous, but also sympathetic.

    I can see that dragon being totally kickass when you animate it.

  3. No, he's not the main character. There isn't really supposed to be a main/secondary kind of dynamic.

  4. But Amon's the one the audience spends more time with, right?

  5. I love how expressive your designs are. Make sure you are consistent with your models. I recommend drawing the two characters next to each other to establish their size.

    Good work!

